Los Angeles, CA (February 9, 2012) – NuttZo is the latest recipient of a low-interest loan from Whole Foods Market’s Local Producer Loan Program. NuttZo is known for their locally-made nut butter high in Omega-3’s, which is currently available at Whole Foods Market stores throughout California and the Southwest. The loan funds increased production, which will allow NuttZo to expand distribution to stores.
NuttZo was developed by Danielle Dietz-LiVolsi after she adopted two boys from the Ukraine who were vitamin deficient. She focused on preparing creative, nutrient dense, flavorful foods for her kids. NuttZo is a seed and nut butter high in Omega-3’s, made with organic ingredients that her boys loved. Not only are her kids fans, but Dr. Oz named NuttZo as one of his “Best of the Best” items in 2011. This endorsement resulted in a significant increase in demand and they are using the proceeds from the loan to increase production.
“One of Whole Foods Market’s core values is creating ongoing win-win partnerships with our suppliers,” said Dwight Detter, Local Forager. “Not only does NuttZo share our mission to provide the highest-quality natural/organic products, but they also support the local economy by creating jobs. This is the second loan for Nuttzo, and it will be exciting to watch Nuttzo continue to grow.”
Whole Foods Market, the world’s leading natural and organic foods supermarket, has pledged to grant up to $10 million in low-interest loans to small, local producers. To date, the program has funded nearly $7 million for recipients’ capital expenditures.
“With this loan, we’ll be able to increase our output and ultimately grow both awareness of our product and our business itself,” said Danielle Dietz-LiVolsi of NuttZo. “There aren’t many companies that actually put their money where their mouth is; Whole Foods Market has been a genuine partner, from serving as a retailer to literally investing in our success.”
To apply for a loan through Whole Foods Market’s Local Producer Loan Program, producers must meet Whole Foods Market’s strict Quality Standards, use the funds for expansion and have a viable business plan. Loans range from $1,000 to $100,000 and have fixed, low interest rates. To view online video testimonials and to learn more about the Local Producer Loan Program, visit wholefoodsmarket.com/loans.