Jason Hedlund is a Principal Category Merchant of Seafood Procurement for Whole Foods Market. The New England native joined the Whole Foods Market seafood team in 2007 and has been in the retail seafood industry for 26 years. From 2001 to 2015, Jason also spent nearly every summer working salmon boats in Bristol Bay, Alaska. Even before that, while growing up on the East Coast and Europe, he frequented fish markets and spent a summer working on lobster boats. In 2023, Jason represented Whole Foods Market at the White House to celebrate the protections put in place through the Clean Water Act to protect Bristol Bay’s resources of Sockeye salmon, sustainable economies, and local communities. In his current role Jason loves connecting with the seafood fishermen and farmers who supply Whole Foods Market’s stores, and is proud to be part of a company that has industry-leading standards for seafood sustainability. (highlighted portion I updated to align with current structure).