AUSTIN, Texas (Sept. 21, 2010) – Kashi Company and Alacer Corp. are joining forces with Whole Foods Market's nonprofit Whole Planet Foundation to
help grocery shoppers donate to fight global poverty.
This month, Alacer is launching Emergen-C Planet™, an effervescent vitamin drink powder in a new dragon fruit flavor. For every box sold, Alacer will donate 10 cents to the Foundation. Kashi will donate $1 from the purchase of each specially-marked, family-sized GOLEAN Crunch® or Heart to Heart® Honey Toasted Oat cereal – up to $35,000 total – to the nonprofit. All three products are available now exclusively at Whole Foods Market.
“We're so inspired by our vendors partners' commitment and desire to create easy ways for our shoppers to make a real difference in developing communities around the world,” said Philip Sansone, Whole Planet Foundation's president and executive director. “We're beyond grateful for their support and look forward to working with more vendors who are ready to join the cause.”
Established in 2005, the Foundation empowers the poor through microcredit in developing countries where Whole Foods Market buys products. To date, the Foundation has authorized $11 million and disbursed $8 million to microfinance institutions, reaching nearly 100,000 clients in 20 countries and has positively impacted more than 400,000 people worldwide.
“We believe everyone has the power to make positive changes in their lives, and are proud to support the Foundation's mission to actively participate in and improve developing communities,” said Jeff Johnson, Natural Lifestyle Expert and Senior Nutritionist for Kashi Company. “We're excited to share that mission on the back of more than 100,000 boxes of cereal and to donate to support their work.”
Ron Fugate, president and CEO of Alacer Corp. adds, “We strive to help individuals lead healthy lives, and by partnering with Whole Planet Foundation, we can continue this mission and enable self-starters to improve the well-being of their local communities.”
Whole Foods Market covers all operating costs for Whole Planet Foundation, so 100 percent of each dollar donated funds microlending projects around the world. Typical microcredit clients use loans – usually less than $200 each – to start home-based businesses, from tailoring and producing artisan goods to small-scale farming.
To donate to Whole Planet Foundation, learn more about the nonprofit and collaborating partners, or for stories from microcredit loan recipients, visit:
Vendors interested in supporting Whole Planet Foundation can contact for more information.